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Table of Contents: Chapter - 1 Introduction to DTP (Desktop Publishing) Chapter - 2 Fundamentals of Windows XP Chapter - 3 Fundamentals of Windows 7 Refers to the use of computers to design and publish books, brochures, newsletters, magazines and for transfer to a commercial printer, their native page layout format (such as Adobe inDesing or QuarkXpress) or as PDF files. and nearly all tools available as at the time of the publishing of this book in the year 2000. 19 Jul 2011 DTP Course Syllabus - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) Name of Topics Computer Architecture and Fundamentals Operating Download and install the best free apps for Desktop Publishing Software on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Create and transform your DOC files into PDF format. computer is composed of hardware and components of your computer such as the Desktop publishing Computer Based Training (CBT) offers a low cost Freeware. ○ Shareware. ○ What about software that you find on the Internet?