Angular route download file

I need angular 1 route to call Angular 5 components. Can you help me with this, a simple route with this setup will do?

Lazy load isolated micro-apps in Angular. Contribute to wix/angular-widget development by creating an account on GitHub. // @ts-check // Protractor configuration file, see link for more information // const { SpecReporter } = require( "jasmine-spec-reporter"); /** * @type { import("protractor…

For this example, define a simple route to download file from controller. routes/web.php. Route::get('force-donwload-file', 'HomeController@forceDownloadFile');

Contribute to SidKH/angular-exercise development by creating an account on GitHub. Angular 1.x admin boilerplate. Contribute to mw-felker/angular-admin development by creating an account on GitHub. Enables development of Gerrit WEB UI plugins with AngularJS framework - dluksza/angular-gerrit Cheatsheet for developing lightning fast progressive Angular applications. - mgechev/angular-performance-checklist To build a Single-Page Application (SPA) using Angular (v1.x), you typical y Choose from over 2,000 JavaScript templates. A route management library + pattern for Angular Router - maktarsis/routeshub

Angular 1.x admin boilerplate. Contribute to mw-felker/angular-admin development by creating an account on GitHub.

4 Nov 2013 Open up your index.html file and we'll add a simple layout with a navigation bar.

ARI is a light weight Angular add-on framework that is used in conjunction with ui-router framework - nirus/Angular-Route-Injector

Angular Js - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Angular Js bower angular-sanitize#>=1.2 download AngularJS JavaScript Library Packaged for Plone

This package provides the AngularJS libray for use in Plone. Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework (cite of the original website title). The whole ZIP file  Angular2 File Upload.